Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Critique on Juanita Jean

I decided to critique a blog article written by Juanita Jean, titled “Stoopid Sumbitch”. Even thought this blog was a short blog, it grasped my attention on her mindset of voter fraud. In her blog, she accuses the governor Greg Abbott about gerrymandering the state of Texas. I found it rather amusing of her calling the governor out and blaming his political party in committing fraud in the state of Texas; it is a Republican-driven state. I do agree that the Republican party is committing fraud in the sense of discriminating those citizens who do not possess  a voter ID. However, one thing that I can not wrap my head around is how a College ID with a picture is not considered a voter ID. To me, this is absurd because this eliminates those students who are going to college outside of State or even city. 

Being identified as an independent towards the political parties, I do wish she would have added more facts or given information of recent investigation of voter fraud in the state of Texas. Adding this information and including the amount of money taxpayers have spent to investigate voter fraud, would have given her blog more power.  

Another recommendation for this blog would be to include information about the gerrymandering boundaries in the state. Giving examples of how different counties in the same district do not share the same needs would help to convince new readers of the power that the Republican party has over Texas. For example, Texas 10th Congressional District includes “the northwestern portion of the greater Houston region stretching to the Austin area” (Wikipedia). We can clearly see that the needs of these cities differentiate between one another and favor an ethnicity group. 

Work cited
Jean, Juanita. "Stoppid Sumbitch." Juanita Jean's Th Worlds Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. N.p., 19 Oct. 2016. Web. 23 Oct. 2016.

"Texas's 10th Congressional District." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.

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